Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry #6

a. What challenge did you take?
Get a high score in quiz or seatwork.

b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
Yes, I was able to get a high score in our quiz in MATH011. I feel very happy and satisfied.

c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?
I realized that if you want to accomplish anything you have to be determined and responsible on doing it.

"An Inconvenient Truth"

"An Inconvenient Truth" showed me the envronmental problems that our world is experiencing. For me the most striking scene in the movie is the melting of glaciers. If this thing continues, then the water level will increase and it will be dangerous for us. While I am watching the movie I feel sad because it really shows that our world is starting to detoriorate and it is mainly because of human activities. After I've watched the movie I realized that as a citizen of the world I should help prevent these problems thorugh simple things like throwing garbages on right places and as much as possible avoid using non-biodegradable materials especially plastics.

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